What is exfoliation, Why exfoliate, and Benefits of exfoliation, Dermalogica India

the benefits of exfoliation

Why exfoliate?

Sometimes, dead skin cells have a difficult time working their way off the skin and need some assistance. Exfoliation assists in this and mimics the natural desquamation or peeling process. A number of factors can slow down the replacement of those protective cells, such as ageing, slower metabolism and stress, oily skin and rich, heavy products that stick cells down and prevent them from shedding easily.

Incorporating exfoliation into your regimen can ensure that the skin is maintained at an optimal level. When there is a build-up of old cells, your skin tends to look dull and lackluster, possibly flaky or even congested. Every type of skin can benefit from some exfoliation. It will improve skin luminosity and refine the texture for a smother more radiant complexion.

And remember, always do a patch test of any new product you’re trying before incorporating it into your regular skin care routine. If you’re still on the fence, here are some benefits of exfoliation that should convince you.

Benefits of exfoliation

Regular exfoliation gives you clear, healthy glowing skin over time. But how does this happen? Here are the top five benefits of exfoliation you need to know.

It unclogs pores: Exfoliants are able to go deep into the layers of your skin, into your pores, to slough away the dead skin cells, effectively unclogging your pores. This results in cleaner skin from within. The Dermalogica Daily Superfoliant is a highly-active resurfacer, which delivers your smoothest skin ever, and helps fight environmental triggers known to accelerate skin ageing.

It helps prevent acne, blackheads and whiteheads: Acne, breakouts, blemishes, blackheads and whiteheads are the direct result of clogged pores. When you exfoliate regularly, you are essentially clearing out your pores and therefore, avoiding these common skin concerns.

It promotes an even skin tone: Exfoliation removes dead cells from your skin and helps with skin cell turnover. It thus helps clear out acne scars and blemishes, lightens pigmentation and gives your clearer, more even-toned skin. The Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant is a rice-based powder exfoliant, which is gentle enough to use every day and is suitable for all skin types. It’s Brightening Complex helps reduce marks and blemishes, and with regular use, you’ll achieve brighter, smoother skin in no time. If you have sensitive skin, you can use this product a couple of times a week.

Exfoliation aids the efficacy of other skin care products: The deeper the active ingredients in your skin care products penetrate into your skin, the more effective they are and the sooner you are likely to see results. Exfoliation helps other skin care products do their job better by removing any barrier between the product and your skin, like dead skin cells.

The Dermalogica Daily Resurfacer is a leave-on exfoliating treatment to brighten and tone all skin conditions. This product brightens and hydrates the skin, as it contains Hyaluronic Acid. It also reduces acne, congestion and signs of premature aging without causing any irritation or redness. Each precisely-measured, leave-on dose contains one application of alpha and beta hydroxy acids and enzymes to smooth the skin, helping to reduce the signs of premature aging without irritation or redness.

It stimulates the production of collagen: Collagen is the most abundant protein made by your body and is responsible for healthy, vibrant skin. Regular exfoliation helps in stimulating the production of collagen in your skin, which results in plumper, healthier skin that is slower to show signs of ageing. The Dermalogica Multivitamin Thermofoliant infuses the skin with age-fighting ingredients. This powerful skin polisher combines physical and chemical exfoliants to refine skin texture and enhance vitamin delivery.

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